"The Nine Ladies Stone Circle is an ancient monument on Stanton Moor, part of a complex of prehistoric circles and standing stones. Despite its name, the circle actually contains ten stones, set on the inner edge of a slight bank. The stones form a ring measuring 11.5 x 10.5 metres (38 x 34 feet).

Folklore surrounds the site, suggesting that the stones represent nine women who were turned to stone for dancing on the Sabbath, along with a fiddler - represented by the nearby King Stone.

The site has a rich history, first recorded in 1782 by Major Hayman Rooke. He noted that there may have been additional stones in the center of the ring, possibly forming a cairn or 'cist'.

Today, the Nine Ladies Stone Circle is managed by English Heritage and remains an intriguing reminder of England's ancient past."


Spurn Point


Ramsley Moor